Easy Penguins

by Ralph Dewey

The Balloon HQ challenge this month is a penguin.

Penguins are very popular these days. It’s one of the most requested balloon animals. And I understand another animated movie featuring penguins will be at the theatres soon. So this month I thought that I would share some easy penguin designs.

Simple Penguin

The first penguin only uses one white #321. Inflate the #321 to about 7″ and tie off the nozzle. Twist off a 2″ bubble on the nozzle end. Fold-twist the 2″ bubble and then twist it in half thus forming two smaller ear twists. Curve and bend the nipple end over to shape the head. Mark the feet, tuxedo, wings and face to complete.

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Another Simple Penguin

The second design is similar to the first one. It is made using a white #321 and an orange #160 for the feet. Inflate the #321 to about 7″ and tie off the nozzle. Twist off a 1/2″ bubble and fold-twist it.


To form the fee, use a section of the orange #160. The easiest style is a small figure 8 shape. To make it, twist off two 5″ bubbles and tie their ends together. Fold-twist the two bubbles to form a figure 8. Twist-connect the center of the feet to the 1/2″ bubble on the #321.

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Another style of feet can also be made. To make them, twist off a 1-1/4″ bubble, three 1/2″ bubbles and another 1-1/4″ bubble. Twist-connect the ends of the two 1-1/4″ bubbles. That completes the first foot. Now make another foot in the same way. Twist-connect the center of the feet to the 1/2″ bubble on the #321. Mark the body and face as you did before.

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#260 Penguin

Those penguins are simple enough, but what about one made from a single #260 balloon? Use a white #260 and inflate it fully except for about 3-1/2 inches. Tie off the nozzle. Twist off a 1″ bubble and two soft 6″ bubbles. Twist-connect the ends of the two 6″ bubbles. Fold-twist both bubbles. This forms the tail and the two feet.

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Twist off two 7″ bubbles (the wings) and twist their ends together. This should allow you to form an 8″ bubble (the chest/belly) and leave about a 2″ bubble for the head. There should be a short nipple end remaining as the beak.

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Better Penguin

Still another simple penguin can be made from a white #321, a black #260 and a goldenrod #260. Inflate the black #260 fully except for about 3″ and tie off the nozzle. Twist off a 2-1/2″ bubble (the tail) and two 6″ bubbles. Twist-connect the ends of the 6″ bubbles. Twist off another 6″ bubble and a 1″ bubble. Ear twist the 1″ bubble. Then twist-connect the ear twist between the two 6″ bubbles. Discard the excess balloon.

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Inflate the white #321 to about 7″ and tie off the nozzle. Tie the nozzle end to the base of the tail bubble on the black balloon. Twist off a 2-1/2″ bubble near the nipple end and twist-connect it the 1″ ear twist on the black balloon. Slightly tuck the #321 in between two of the 6″ bubbles.

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Make the feet from a section of the goldenrod #260 balloon. Twist off two 6″ bubbles and tie the ends together. Fold-twist the two bubbles to form a figure 8. Twist-connect the center of the figure 8 to the base of the tail bubble. Mark the face to complete the penguin.

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